

Here you’ll find tricks, tips, and testimonials to help you navigate your sometimes-tricky, ever-evolving professional universe.

Scope Creep: Setting Client Expectations

Scope Creep: Setting Client Expectations

  First off, let’s define scope and scope creep—and when you should be worried.  Scope (skōp): (1) intention, (2) extent of treatment, activity, or influence, (3) range of operation Scope Creep (skōp krēp): (1) additional work, features, functions not authorized...

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Don’ts of Client Communication

Don’ts of Client Communication

  Good client communication is a key cornerstone to creating a great campaign or product. Whether it’s an email, a phone call or in-person meeting, people underestimate the importance of good, consistent communication. And not only is it pertinent to communicate...

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